Pannonia Bio Zrt. is continuously seeking to improve and maintain key partner and stakeholder relationships. As a biorefinery operating in the rural town of Dunaföldvár, we aim to uplift the local community through strategic investment programmes.
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The establishment of Climate Ethanol Alliance
Revisiting the Role of Ethanol in Transport Decarbonisation.

Pannonia Bio's gift for children in need
Pannonia Bio, Europe's largest single-site biorefinery, has committed to supporting programs for the physical and mental health of children in and around Dunaföldvár since its inception. This year, through exemplary cooperation with the municipality, they've offered financial aid targeting those in greatest need. The donation, timed for Christmas, totals 14.5 million forints.

Opening of Pannonia Bio fire station
Pannonia Bio Zrt inaugurated its facility fire department. The company has undergone serious development in recent years: the biorefinery has expanded in production capacity and complexity. The development, which raises the safety of the plant and the people living in the vicinity to an even higher level, is also outstanding on a national level.

Making a Lonely Case for Hungary's Natural Strengths
Budapest Business Journal interview with Eric Sievers

Veggie burgers produced by ethanol industry?
Euractiv's film crew attended Pannonia Bio's Farmer's Day in late September at Dunaföldvár, where local farmers and feed producers have lifted the lid on the food vs. fuel debate.

The CEO of Pannonia Bio received a prestigious award!
On November 18, in Szekszárd, the CEO of Pannonia Bio, Pavel Kudriavtcev, received a special recognition.

Over the last 10 years, Dunaföldvár and Hungary have become the epicenter of European grain biorefining
Climate change, food security, energy crises. The world's innovative companies are constantly looking for solutions to these three challenges in an ever-changing market environment. Pannonia Bio, Europe's largest biorefinery, which has been operating in Dunaföldvár for 10 years, is now starting to commission two major vegetable protein lines - one with a capacity of 60,000 tons of barley protein concentrate and one with a capacity of 20,000 tons of corn protein concentrate, in each case with a view towards further expansions.

This Christmas, Pannonia Bio donated again
For its traditional winter festive donation, Pannonia Bio is supporting to Dunaföldvár with double last year's amount, HUF 15 million.

Pannonia Bio Wins IChemE Global Energy Award 2021
This October, a team of Pannonia Bio engineers and experts were named winners of the IChemE Energy Award 2021 for their success with the project “Decarbonizing biorefineries to produce greener bioethanol”.

Outreach during festive period
For its traditional winter festive donation, Pannonia Bio is supporting Dunaföldvár’s social catering initiative, the construction of a stage and the expansion of playgrounds in the community.

Pannonia Bio's Economic, Social and Environmental Impact Assessment
HÉTFA Research Institute recently published an ex-ante analysis on the macroeconomic impacts of Pannonia Bio.

Macroeconomic impact of Pannonia Bio in Hungary between 2020 and 2024
The ex-ante analysis on the Macroeconomic impact of Pannonia Bio in Hungary between 2020 and 2024, by HÉTFA Research Institute, has been released.

Pannonia Bio update
Pannonia Bio Zrt., Hungary's largest biorefinery, announces that it appointed Pavel Kudriavtcev as its new CEO effective March 2020 and announces the release of a five year economic impact assessment by HETFA Research Institute.

Donating WHO-recommended hand and surface disinfectants to hospitals and health-care facilities
Pannonia Bio recently allocated part of its workforce to produce World Health Organisation (WHO) -approved hand sanitizers and disinfectants.

Pannonia Bio joins forces to ensure vital supply
Pannonia Bio Zrt., along with a number of Hungarian food, agricultural and pharmaceutical companies, joined forces with authorities to ensure continued (domestic and international) supply of vital products for the coming months.

Cikk Címe
2009: Investment decision made to build a state-of-the-art corn ethanol production facility in rural Hungary
Strengthening Irish and Hungarian interconnections
In the spirit of cultivating close relations between the two countries, Pannonia Bio once again sponsored the annual St. Patrick’s Day festivities engaged by the Irish Hungarian Business Circle (IHBC).

Pannonia Bio reaches out in Dunaföldvár
Pannonia Bio donated 3 000 000 HUF towards community initiatives in Dunaföldvár during December this year – The Future of Our Children ("Gyermekeink Jövőjéért") foundation in Kossuth Lajos street received 1 500 000 HUF whilst the remainder was given to Dunaföldvár’s local government, Red Cross and Child Welfare and Basic Services to distribute food to those in need between 24 December 2018 to 2 January 2019.

Pannonia Bio Name Change
We changed our name to Pannonia Bio Zrt. By rebranding ourselves and becoming a truly bio-based technology company with nutritional, agricultural and bioethanol product lines, we believe we will be providing our customers with the most innovative technological services available to the market today.

Pannonia Bio is the leading renewable ethanol producer in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE).
The company offers stable, long-term employment opportunities, attractive compensation packages and outstanding working conditions in a dynamic business environment.

Pannonia Gold awarded VLOG certification
Pannonia Gold protein animal feed has been awarded the highest level of GMO free quality certification in Europe, the “Ohne GenTechnik” seal, from a top German certification body, VLOG. The certification guarantees retail chain buyers that the products they purchase are GMO free.

Pannonia bio supports v4+ crop-based biofuel advocacy
Pannonia Bio is an active participant in a group of 31 biofuel producers from the Visegrad 4 countries, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Czech Republic, together with Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania that advocates for the interests of crop-based biofuel producers and agriculture in Europe.

Pannonia Bio operates a biorefinery in Dunaföldvár, Tolna County, Hungary with feed grade corn as the biomass used in processing. Animal feed, bioethanol and corn oil are produced from this feedstock. Farms in the region supply over one million tons of corn to the plant each year. From this, the refinery produces 325,000 tons of animal feed, 450 million litres of bioethanol and 10,000 tons of corn oil.

A modern biorefinery is able to bring economic and social recovery to rural communities, and it was revealed in a study entitled "Sustainable rural renaissance through an example of a bioethanol plant", which was presented at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on Tuesday.

Pannonia Bio Zrt. signed a EUR 135 million credit agreement with the Hungarian Bank Consortium, established with the participation of Budapest Bank, K & H, Magyar Export-Import Bank and Raiffeisen Bank.
Pannonia Bio will thus be able to further increase its capacity to produce bioethanol and non-GM animal feed, to make it more efficient and to make new investments in biotechnology. It also creates new jobs and further exports and increases the degree to which fodder can be bought.